Review a Book

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아래의 활동 중 하나를 골라보세요 :



Recommend a Book

책 추천하기


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Create a Book Trailer

Create your very own book trailer. Here are a few examples:

Add the link to your book trailer in the comments section.

북 트레일러 만들기

나만의 북 트레일러를 만들어보세요. 아래의 예시를 참고하세요 :

직접 만든 북 트레일러의 링크를 코멘트 란에 적어주세요.


制作你的图书预告片。这里有一些例子 :


Tweet a Review

Twitter is one of the most popular forms of social media. Each tweet can be a maximum of 140 characters. Twitter can be used to share anything. Your challenge is to write a review for a book you have read over the summer that could be shared on Twitter.  The only rule is that it MUST Not be more than 140 characters. Share your review in the comments section below this post.

책 리뷰 트윗하기

트위터는 가장 인기있는 소셜미디어 중 하나입니다. 각 트윗은 최대140자까지 가능합니다. 트위터는 어떤 것이든 공유하는데 쓸 수 있습니다.여러분이 도전할 과제는 트위터에서 공유될 만한 여름방학때 읽었던 책의 리뷰를 써보는 것입니다.  단 한가지의 규칙은 140자를 넘지 않는 것입니다. 아래의 코멘트란에 여러분의 리뷰를 공유하세요.


推特是最有名的社交软件之一。每一篇推特最多只能写140字。推特可以用来分享一切。 你的挑战是为自己在暑假读的一本书写一篇书评并发布在推特上。 唯一地规则是书评的字数必须在140字以下。你可以把自己的评论分享在评论框

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59 thoughts on “Review a Book

  1. There was a girl who had the magic finger.Her house was next to Mr. Gregory’s farm. Mr Gregory loved hunting .
    One day, the girl saw him hunting a little deer. And she warned him to stop. But Mr. Gregory laughed at her and he didn’t even try to stop, which made her mad at him. Finally, she turned him into a bird with her magic finger.

    If you want to read rest of book. Read book call magic finger.


  2. Matilda by Roald Dahl
    Matilda is a bright little girl who is eager to learn. Eventually, her insensitive parents send her to a school where bad principal who on duty. Miss Trunchbull who is matilda principal is a cruel authoritarian that hates children. Matilda assist her school teacher, Miss Honey. She soon realizes Matilda talents, Matilda starts to learn to control her telekinetic powers and she soon using them on her principal! If you want to learn more about this book read this book called “Matilda”


  3. Title:Ungifted
    Author:Gordon Korman
    Don’t give up.The boy from book is ungifted and a prankster.I would recommend this book to people who are giving up because many scene show try hard. Also some scene makes me nervous because the boy gets into too many troubles. But because of it, the book is entertaining. This book is recommended for everyone from young children to adults.
    My rate: 5/5


  4. Title:The witches
    Author: Roald Dahl
    This book is not recommended for children but recommended for my age and adults. The witches from book hate children. The witches are too scary for young children because in the book the witches are described too wickedly, for my age group and adult some would find some part of story exciting because unexpected scene make story exciting.
    My rate: 3/5


  5. Matilda by Roald Dahl
    Matilda is a bright and smart little girl who is eager to learn. Eventually, her insensitive parents send her to a school where bad principal who on duty. Miss Trunchbull who is Matilda principal is a cruel authoritarian that hates children. Matilda assist her school teacher, Miss Honey. She soon realizes Matilda talents, Matilda starts to learn to control her telekinetic powers and she soon using them on her principal!
    If you want to learn more about this book read this book called “Matilda”


  6. Room on the Broom
    Author- Donaldson Julia
    It is exciting that broomstick was broken because of 4 friends. But they saved the witch from dragon.
    Rate- 4/5


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