Book Response

Choose one of the following:

Story Box: Create a story box for one of the books you read over the summer. Look at this fabulous example: The Imagination Tree: Little Red Riding Hood Box. You can add photographs of your story box to this page.


Letter to the Author: Write a letter to the author of a book that you read over the summer. What did you like about it? What else would you like to know about the characters? What happened after the story finished? How would you find out how to contact the author? Would you post or email your letter?

Character Diary Entry: Write a diary entry from the perspective of a character from a book you have read this summer. What are their secrets? Dreams? Hopes?

아래 항목 중 하나를 선택하세요.

이야기 상자: 여름방학동안 읽은 책들 중 한권에 대한 이야기 상자를 만들어 봅시다. 여기있는 좋은 예시를 살펴보세요.  The imagination Tree: Little Red Riding Hood Box

작가에게 편지쓰기: 여름방학때 읽은 책의 작가에게 편지를 써봅시다. 책에서 무엇이 좋았나요? 등장인물에 대해서 더 알고 싶은 것이 있나요? 이야기가 끝난 후 어땠나요? 작가에게 연락할 방법을 어떻게 찾아낼 건가요? 여러분의 편지를 우편이나 이메일로 보낼건가요?

캐릭터 다이어리 작성: 여름에 읽었던 책 속 캐릭터의 관점에서 일기를 써봅시다. 그들의 비밀, 꿈, 소망은 무엇인가요?


故事箱子 :为你在暑假读过的一本书做一个故事箱子。请看例子:The imagination Tree: Little Red Riding Hood Box

一封给作家的信 :向你暑假读过的这本书的作者写一封信。你为什么喜欢这本书?关于主人公你还想知道什么?故事结束后发生了什么?你如何找到联系到作者?你会选择写信还是写电邮?

写主人公日记  :为你书中的主人公写日记。 她/他们的秘密是什么? 梦想?希望?

15 thoughts on “Book Response

  1. I am going to send a mail to ‘Rebecca Stead’ who has written When You Reach me. I still have some more left to finish the book…


  2. Dear Rebecca Stead,
    My name is Estella from BHA.
    I am reading When You Reach Me very fun. My friend had also read it and she said it’s amazing.
    I want to read more books from you.
    There are 3 authors that I like. It is ‘Roald Dahl’, ‘Kate Dicamillo’ and you. Only those 3 authors. That I especially like.
    Bye! I’d like to read more books from you…
    From, Estella


    • hey estella
      there’s no email adress of Rebecca Stead that was shown in the internet… I wanted 2 mail her about something in the book but i kept searching like a day but no luck


  3. To. Carolyn Keene

    Hi, I am Wieroo Park from Branksome Hall Asia, which is located in South Korea, in Jeju-Do.
    I am a huge fan of Nancy Drew, and I always carry two of Nancy Drew books at my bag.
    I really like your Nancy Drew books, especially the trillogies.
    And I wanted to ask you–How many years have you been writing Nancy Drew books? I think it was quite long, it says from the google.
    I started to read Nancy Drew when I got it as a Christmas Present. I got tons of books that looked fun, but mostly my eye went to the Nancy Drew Diaries ; The boxed set.
    I liked reading books, especially mystery stories.
    I couldn’t find any of mystery stories that was right to my level–and I found Nancy Drew, I couldn’t stop reading it, and started to buy more and more as I read.
    I especially loved the Identity Mystery trillogy and ‘Where’s Nancy?’.
    And also, my dream is to be a movie director or a writer. How can you create the ‘Reversal’ in the story? When I try to write a reversal, it just gets bigger and bigger and starts to make no sense, no clue, no smooth at all.

    Your fan and always,
    Wieroo Park
    BHA Grade 5
    ( I hope you really read this. Sometimes we just get some kind of AD, but I hope not. Thank You if you read this! )


  4. To. Ms. Liesl Shurtilff

    Hello! I’m Yubin and goes to a school is Korea.
    I’ve read Red, The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood. I love the book. I’ve always liked fantasy stories just like the books you have written. There is not many stories with gnomes, magic, dwarves and many other things we can see in fantasy books. Your imaginations are very very wonderful.
    I’m very looking forward to read your other books. Jack and Rump. I think they will be fascinating too. I wish you to write more and more series of the true stories. I am willing your books get more awards. I will be always recommending your books to my friends whenever I finish one of your books.

    From, Yubin Park


  5. Lee Sieun

    Book Response: Write a character diary entry

    Mog The Forgetful cat (author: Judith Kerr)

    I am a very forgetful cat. I didn’t understand a lot of things. But one night, my forgetfulness came in very handy! I me meowed, very sudden and very, very loud. The burglar was surprised. I got a medal.


  6. Lee Sieun

    Book response : write a character diary entry.

    Mog the forgetful cat(author: Judith Kerr )
    I am a very forgetful cat. I didn’t understand a lot of things. But one night, my forgetfulness came in very handy! I meowed, very sudden and very, very loud. The burglar was surprised. I got medal.


  7. Lee Sieun

    Book Response : Write a character diary entry

    MOG the Forgetable cat (author:Judith Kerr)

    I am a very forgetable cat. I didn’t understand a lot of things. But one night, my forgetfulness came in very, very handy! I meowed, very sudden and very, very loud. The burglar was surprised. I got a medal.


  8. Hi,my name is Grace. I go to an international school in Jeju,called Branksome Hall Asia. I’m so excited to write a letter to you,a famous author,Anthony Brown. My favorite book of yours is ‘Look what I’ve got ‘ because I know a girl from my school,and she is exactly like Jeremy from your book. She brags about the things that she has. Also,I like your book ‘Look what I’ve got because it is so humorous. I almost fell down! I love your books.
    Warm regards,


  9. Dairy of Clarice Bean

    Mrs Willberton hates me because I late for school again. I felt bad. Robert came and showed the newspaper picture that I was sitting up the tree to save it. Tree is so important because it breathes bad air and gives good air to us. My brother is the best eco warrior but my sister uses hair spay. But I want to use spay someday later.


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