Send a Postcard

Tell us a little about your holiday. Where have you been? What have you been doing? Have you eaten anything delicious? Send your postcards to:


여러분의 방학에 대해서 이야기해 봅시다. 어디에 있었나요? 무엇을 했었나요? 맛있는 음식들을 먹었나요? 여러분의 엽서를 브랭섬홀아시아 도서관으로 보내 주세요.


请与我们分享你的暑假点滴。你去哪儿了? 你做了什么? 吃了美食吗?请给给我们寄一张明信片。

The Library

Branksome Hall Asia

613 Gueok-ri, Daejung-eup,
Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Korea 699-931

Image citation: Western Australia. Digital image. Australian Postcards. N.p., n.d. Web. .

Image citation: Western Australia. Digital image. Australian Postcards. N.p., n.d. Web. <;.

8 thoughts on “Send a Postcard

  1. I went to the hospital. Because I have to do surgery. First I was scared,but when I was finished,I was all right! But I can’t eat hard things!


    • Janice, My daughter also had to have an operation and stay in the hospital over the holidays. It is a very frightening experience. I hope that you are feeling much better now. Mrs Berghuis 🙂


  2. In my summer vacation, I got a puppy. His name is Cooper and he is very cute.And I got two duck and two chick but one chick die so we goto a five-day intervel village market and buy duck.And I play with my friend.


  3. On my vacation I went to a magic show with a Janice and I was very fun at there. and I go to the hotel and I sleep at there.
    In next morning I go to a science class and there was fun and exiting.


  4. on my vacation I went to the swimming pool with my family. And I ate spaghetti and udon. My brother step the bee and the bee was scared.And the bee stung my brothers feet. The life guard hug my brother and run to the hospital and the doctor sad he will be okay.


  5. On my vacation I went to Canada and spent all of my time with my family. It was a lot of fun to go to some of the old restaurants that I like. For example, Wendys or Tim Hortons. I spent a week going to camp with my cousins and spending a lot of time out in the sun with my cabin mates.


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